--- title: "How to autocalibrate a SWMM model with swmmr" author: "Dominik Leutnant" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{How to autocalibrate a SWMM model with swmmr} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} calibration_res <- NULL knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", # https://community.rstudio.com/t/precompiling-vignette-with-devtools/1583/6 eval = nzchar(Sys.getenv("BUILD_SWMM_VIGNETTE")) # to prevent eval on CRAN! ) ``` ## Introduction Model calibration or optimization is an essential part within the modelling chain to improve the model quality. During calibration, model parameter values are systematically modified to optimize an objective function, which numerically expresses the difference between observation and simulation data. In this tutorial, we walk through the required steps to autocalibrate a SWMM model with `swmmr`. We calibrate the _Example1.inp_ model which is shipped with the offical SWMM executable from US EPA. For the optimization, we use the `DEoptim` package, which provides a differential evolution optimization algorithm. ```{r load_libs} library(swmmr) library(DEoptim) ``` ## Setup First, model paths are defined and a simulation run is initiated with `run_swmm` to check for errors. ```{r model_setup} # set path to inp # If your operating system is Windows, the Example1.inp model is usually # located at "C:\Users\your user name\Documents\EPA SWMM Projects\Examples". # For convenience the Example1.inp model is also included in the swmmr package. # Feel free to change this to your path of choice. inp_file <- system.file("extdata", "Example1.inp", package = "swmmr", mustWork = TRUE) # both rpt and out files are temporary files tmp_rpt_file <- tempfile() tmp_out_file <- tempfile() # initiate the simulation swmm_files <- run_swmm( inp = inp_file, rpt = tmp_rpt_file, out = tmp_out_file ) ``` The original output of the first simulation run is assumed to be the observation data. The parameter of interest is `total_runoff` at node `18`. We load the observation data as an `xts` object with `read_out`. ```{r obs} obs <- read_out( file = swmm_files$out, iType = 1, object_name = "18", vIndex = 4 )[["18"]]$total_inflow ``` To keep it simple, we only calibrate the model parameter `Perc_Imperv` of subcatchments which are larger than 10 ha. The original parameter values are "50" for subcatchment "5" and "10" for subcatchment "6". The model structure is loaded with `read_inp`. ```{r sim_and_read} # read model structure inp <- read_inp(swmm_files$inp) # show the original parameter values inp$subcatchments[inp$subcatchments$Area > 10, ] ``` ## Goodness-of-fit criteria To numerically evaluate the difference between observation and simulation data, we use the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (nse). ```{r gof} # function calculates the goodness of fit value # input x is a two column xts object, col1: obs, col2: sim nse <- function(x) { 1 - sum((x[, 1] - x[, 2]) ^ 2) / sum((x[, 1] - mean(x[, 1])) ^ 2) } ``` ## Objective function The optimization algorithm exactly needs one function to be minimized. Therefore, we define a function that 1. first argument takes a vector of real-valued parameters, 2. second argument is a loaded `inp` file, containing a list of SWWM section as tibbles and 3. takes observation data as a third argument. The function mainly consists of three sections. First, a new parameter set generated from the optimization algorithm overrides the original values of the `inp` object. The updated `inp` object is then written to disk with `write_inp`. Second a simulation run is performed with the new `inp` file and results are read with `read_out`. Finally, the goodness-of-fit value is calculated. ```{r obj_fun} obj_fun <- function(x, inp, obs) { # set new parameters and update inp object inp$subcatchments <- transform( inp$subcatchments, Perc_Imperv = ifelse(Area > 10, x, Perc_Imperv) ) # write new inp file to disk tmp_inp <- tempfile() write_inp(inp, tmp_inp) # run swmm with new parameter set swmm_files <- suppressMessages(run_swmm(tmp_inp, stdout = NULL)) # remove files when function exits to avoid heavy disk usage on.exit(file.remove(unlist(swmm_files))) # read sim result sim <- read_out( file = swmm_files$out, # path to out file iType = 1, # type: node object_name = "18", # name of node vIndex = 4 # parameter at node: total inflow )[["18"]]$total_inflow # directly access to xts object # calculate goodness-of-fit # note: multiply by minus one to have a real min problem (nse: +1 to -Inf) nse(merge(obs, sim)) * -1 } ``` ## Optimization Finally, we need to config the optimization algorithm. It is required to provide 1. the function to be optimized 2. parameter bounds (lower, upper) 3. a list of control parameters (useful for parallel computing or fine tuning) 4. further argument passed to the function to be minimized (here: the `ìnp` object and the observation data) ```{r optim} set.seed(84) # to get reproducible results calibration_res <- DEoptim( fn = obj_fun, lower = c(0, 0), upper = c(100, 100), control = list( itermax = 50, # maximum iterations trace = 10, # print progress every 10th iteration packages = c("swmmr"), # export packages to optimization environment parVar = c("nse"), # export function to optimization environment parallelType = 0 # set to 1 to use all available cores ), inp = inp, # 'inp' object obs = obs # xts object containing observation data ) summary(calibration_res) ``` The calibration yields `r calibration_res$optim$bestmem` as optimized parameter values which is close to the original values.